Conditions d'utilisation de NALA UK

Qui sommes-nous et comment nous contacter
NALA Payments Limited est une société constituée et agréée en vertu des lois du Royaume-Uni, (numéro de société 12792210) dont le siège social est situé à International House, 64 Nile Street, Londres, Royaume-Uni, N1 7SR ("NALA"). NALA Payments Ltd est un agent de Modulr FS Limited qui est réglementé par la Financial Conduct Authority en vertu des Electronic Money Regulations 2011 pour l'émission de monnaie électronique pour l'émission de monnaie électronique, sous le numéro de référence de l'entreprise 902973.

NALA peut être contacté par les moyens suivants : par voie postale, à l'adresse suivante International House, 64 Nile Street, Londres, Royaume-Uni, N1 7SR, Courriel en utilisant l'adresse électronique :, Site web :

Ce que font les services de NALA
NALA vous permet d'utiliser: nos services de transfert d'argent ; notre compte de monnaie numérique (y compris le rachat de monnaie électronique et le paiement du produit du rachat à vous-même ou à une autre personne) ; et/ou le rechargement en temps réel (Airtime Top Up). En ce qui concerne les services de transfert d'argent, NALA vous permet de stocker des fonds dans votre portefeuille mobile et de transmettre ou recevoir des paiements avec d'autres clients NALA. Vous pouvez effectuer des paiements à partir des fonds que vous détenez dans votre (i) portefeuille numérique, (ii) votre compte bancaire britannique lié, ou (iii) votre carte de débit/crédit britannique liée. En ce qui concerne les portefeuilles numériques, il s'agit d'une fonction qui stocke de l'argent électronique sur un compte sans intérêt que nous gérons pour vous et qui offre les fonctions que nous pouvons mettre à votre disposition de temps à autre. Ces fonctions peuvent inclure (sans limitation) la capacité de : charger de l'argent électronique dans votre portefeuille numérique, voir le solde de l'argent électronique détenu dans ce portefeuille numérique, libeller l'argent électronique dans les différentes devises que nous mettons à disposition dans le portefeuille numérique de temps à autre ; donner des instructions pour que l'argent électronique soit transféré dans le portefeuille numérique d'une autre personne, racheter de l'argent électronique et transférer le produit soit à vous-même soit à un autre destinataire, acheter Airtime Top Up avec le produit de l'argent électronique et le transférer soit à vous-même soit à un autre destinataire. En ce qui concerne les recharges de temps d'antenne, il s'agit du service qui vous permet de créditer un compte de téléphone mobile d'un crédit qui peut être utilisé par le titulaire du compte de téléphone mobile pour passer des appels, envoyer des messages texte ou des messages photo et utiliser des données. Le crédit est porté sur votre compte de téléphone mobile ou sur celui d'un autre destinataire, généralement en quelques secondes.

S'inscrire pour utiliser les services de NALA
Pour utiliser l'application, vous devez être âgé de 18 ans et résider au Royaume-Uni ou dans un autre pays d'origine approuvé par NALA, disposer d'un compte de paiement à votre nom, et être inscrit auprès de NALA. Pour accéder à l'application NALA, vous devez disposer d'un appareil cellulaire compatible avec le logiciel d'application iPhone ou Android. Pour vous inscrire, vous devez télécharger l'application et fournir à NALA des informations vous concernant, telles que votre nom, votre numéro de téléphone, votre adresse électronique et d'autres informations ou documents, y compris une photo de votre pièce d'identité délivrée par le gouvernement, qui nous permettront de vérifier votre identité. Vous acceptez de fournir des informations et/ou des documents complets et exacts dans le cadre de la procédure d'enregistrement, et vous acceptez en outre de mettre à jour ces informations dans la mesure où cela est raisonnable ou nécessaire pour qu'elles restent complètes et exactes à tout moment. Nous utiliserons ces informations comme indiqué dans notre politique de confidentialité, disponible à l'adresse Votre utilisation de l'application et de nos services est soumise à notre capacité à vérifier votre identité. Vous autorisez NALA à obtenir des informations vous concernant auprès de tiers (y compris les institutions financières, les agences d'évaluation du crédit et votre fournisseur de services téléphoniques), bien que NALA n'ait aucune obligation de le faire.

Si vous ne fournissez pas des informations exactes et complètes lors de l'inscription ou de la demande d'un service, nous avons le droit de vous interdire d'utiliser le service ou l'application ou de bloquer le paiement demandé. Les informations inexactes et/ou incomplètes que vous fournissez lors de l'inscription ou lors d'une demande de transfert peuvent entraîner des erreurs dans le paiement demandé, ou peuvent retarder ou restreindre votre accès à l'application ou au service.Lors de l'inscription à un compte, vous devez créer un mot de passe associé à vos coordonnées. Une fois que vous avez activé votre justificatif de sécurité, vous serez alors invité à utiliser un justificatif de sécurité chaque fois que vous tenterez de transférer des fonds.

Utiliser les services de NALA
Chaque fois que vous accédez à l'application, vous nous confirmez l'exactitude et l'exhaustivité de toutes les informations relatives à votre inscription. Dans le cas où vous tentez de vous connecter à votre compte à partir d'un nouvel appareil, nous vous inviterons à saisir votre mot de passe pour accéder à votre compte à partir d'un nouvel appareil.Avant que votre transaction ne soit terminée, les informations suivantes vous seront fournies :Le montant que vous avez choisi d'envoyer (devise locale),Le montant que le destinataire recevra (devise étrangère applicable),Une indication du taux de change que nous appliquerons à votre transaction,Les informations de paiement que vous avez sélectionnées pour financer cette transaction.

En cliquant sur "Soumettre", vous vérifiez que ces informations sont correctes et intentionnelles au meilleur de votre connaissance, et autorisez NALA à initier ce transfert en votre nom, y compris l'extraction des fonds de votre méthode de paiement fournie.Si vous souhaitez retirer votre contenu pour compléter cette transaction à tout moment avant la soumission, en appuyant sur "Annuler" annulera effectivement votre transaction.L'application et le service sont généralement disponibles 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine, 365 jours par an. En règle générale, votre destinataire est payé instantanément par l'intermédiaire de l'application ; par conséquent, une fois que vous avez initié un transfert, il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas l'arrêter ou le modifier.

Disponibilité des services de NALA
Bien que l'application et le service soient généralement disponibles 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, 365 jours par an, il peut y avoir des moments où le service n'est pas disponible. Les périodes d'indisponibilité peuvent être causées par des actes de NALA (tels que des périodes temporaires pendant lesquelles l'application et le service sont mis hors ligne pour effectuer des mises à niveau ou des améliorations), ou par des événements indépendants de la volonté de NALA, tels que des pannes de courant, des pannes de télécommunications, des guerres ou des troubles civils, des catastrophes naturelles ou d'autres cas de force majeure.

L'argent électronique sur votre compte
L'argent électronique que NALA indique comme étant "détenu" dans votre portefeuille numérique est un enregistrement de la valeur équivalente en espèces que vous êtes en droit de recevoir de notre part.

L'argent électronique dans votre portefeuille numérique n'est pas un dépôt, ce qui signifie qu'il n'est pas protégé par un système de protection des dépôts au Royaume-Uni ou qui pourrait exister dans votre pays. Au lieu de cela, NALA détient et gère l'argent électronique au Royaume-Uni conformément aux lois, règles et réglementations applicables aux émetteurs de monnaie électronique agréés au Royaume-Uni. Toute monnaie électronique dans votre portefeuille numérique ne représente pas non plus un accord de prêt ou toute autre forme de crédit.

Limites sur les transferts
NALA peut de temps en temps fixer des limites sur la valeur des transferts que vous pouvez envoyer (à la fois individuellement et sur une période de temps), ainsi que sur la valeur des transferts qu'un destinataire peut recevoir. NALA peut retarder le paiement de votre transfert afin de permettre à NALA de déterminer si votre versement est conforme à la loi, à la réglementation ou aux politiques de NALA. NALA a le droit, sans vous en avertir, de refuser d'accepter ou de payer tout transfert dont NALA détermine, à sa seule discrétion, qu'il est susceptible d'enfreindre la loi, la réglementation ou nos politiques, y compris les lois, réglementations et politiques visant à détecter et à prévenir le blanchiment d'argent, le financement du terrorisme, la fraude et d'autres abus des services financiers ; si nous acceptons un transfert et déterminons ensuite qu'il est susceptible d'enfreindre une telle loi, réglementation ou politique, nous pouvons retenir le transfert jusqu'à ce que la question soit résolue.

Frais et charges
NALA vous communiquera ses frais et charges pour la fourniture du service avant que vous n'initiiez un paiement. Les frais de NALA peuvent changer de temps à autre et peuvent dépendre, entre autres facteurs, du montant principal de votre transfert, de votre type de compte de paiement, de votre localisation et de la localisation de votre destinataire. NALA facture une commission forfaitaire par transaction basée sur le volume de la transaction, ainsi qu'une marge fixe sur le taux de change pour les paiements transfrontaliers. En plus des frais, NALA vous indiquera également le taux de change (c'est-à-dire le taux auquel vos fonds seront convertis dans la devise à payer à votre destinataire) applicable à votre transfert avant que vous ne l'envoyiez. Les taux de change de NALA varient d'un jour à l'autre, et dans certains cas intrajournaliers.

Langue et informations
La langue de tout accord entre vous et nous, y compris les présentes Conditions générales et la Politique de confidentialité, est l'anglais, et tous les services, instructions et transactions effectués dans le cadre de cet accord le seront en anglais. Lors de l'enregistrement d'un compte NALA, les conditions générales seront mises à votre disposition dans l'application. Toute transmission d'information nécessaire, y compris les informations relatives au compte, sera fournie dans votre application NALA, [à partir de laquelle vous pouvez télécharger les informations pertinentes]. Des informations actualisées seront fournies dans l'application chaque fois qu'une modification sera apportée aux conditions générales existantes.

Prévention de la fraude
Votre compte et votre inscription vous sont personnels. Vous ne devez pas permettre que vos données d'enregistrement soient utilisées par quelqu'un d'autre. L'enregistrement auprès de NALA permet d'accéder à votre compte de paiement par le biais de l'application. Si vous soupçonnez une fraude sur votre compte, ou si vous soupçonnez que vos données d'enregistrement ou d'autres informations de sécurité ont été compromises, vous devez nous contacter immédiatement à l'adresse Vous autorisez NALA, afin de vous fournir l'application et les services, à visualiser, surveiller et analyser toute activité sur votre compte et à suivre, prédire, signaler et surveiller les fraudes et autres activités suspectes ou financièrement risquées. Lorsque l'analyse de votre compte par NALA indique qu'il existe une probabilité de fraude, d'activité suspecte ou de comportement financièrement risqué qui peut être éliminée, réduite ou empêchée en prenant toute mesure autorisée (y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, la suspension ou le refus de paiements), vous autorisez en outre  NALA à mettre en œuvre une telle mesure.

Les responsabilités en cas de paiements incorrects
Vous déclarez et garantissez que toutes les informations que vous saisissez dans l'application ou que vous fournissez de toute autre manière à NALA sont véridiques et complètes, y compris les informations vous concernant, votre compte de paiement et la personne à laquelle vous envoyez de l'argent (votre " Bénéficiaire "). Lors du traitement d'un transfert, NALA peut s'appuyer sur les informations d'enregistrement et de transfert que vous fournissez. Vous reconnaissez que toute erreur dans les informations, y compris l'identification erronée de votre Bénéficiaire, les noms et numéros de compte incorrects ou incohérents, ou les fautes d'orthographe, relève de votre responsabilité et que NALA ne peut être tenue responsable de l'exécution d'un transfert sur la base des informations inexactes ou incomplètes que vous avez fournies ou saisies.

Si NALA n'est pas en mesure d'effectuer le paiement du transfert à votre bénéficiaire parce que vous avez fourni des informations incorrectes sur le bénéficiaire, telles qu'un numéro de téléphone incorrect, un nom incorrect ou mal orthographié, la mauvaise banque ou le mauvais compte bancaire ou toute autre information erronée, vous serez responsable de tous les coûts, frais, dépenses et pertes que NALA encourt pour vous retourner le transfert, tels que les coûts de traitement, les pertes dues aux fluctuations du taux de change et les frais de service de tierces parties.

Étant donné que NALA crédite immédiatement les transferts aux bénéficiaires, vos transferts ne sont généralement pas annulables ou remboursables. Si vous pensez avoir envoyé un virement par erreur, vous devez nous contacter dans les trente (30) minutes après avoir initié le virement à l'adresse et nous essaierons de rappeler le virement, mais il se peut que nous ne puissions pas le faire si le virement a déjà été crédité sur le compte de votre bénéficiaire ou si votre bénéficiaire a déjà retiré ou déplacé les fonds ; si NALA n'est pas en mesure de rappeler votre virement, NALA n'aura aucune responsabilité à votre égard. Toutefois, si votre transfert n'a pas encore été payé, NALA l'annulera et vous remboursera le montant principal, ainsi que tous les frais associés que vous avez pu payer.Vous avez le droit de contester les erreurs dans votre transaction. Ce service est gratuit. Si vous pensez qu'il y a une erreur, vous devez nous contacter immédiatement, et dans tous les cas dans les treize (13) mois suivant l'exécution de la transaction, et fournir votre nom, vos coordonnées, le nom du bénéficiaire, la date du transfert, ainsi que la raison pour laquelle vous pensez qu'il y a eu une erreur. NALA déterminera si une erreur s'est produite et vous répondra rapidement dans les quinze (15) jours ouvrables suivant la réception de votre plainte ; ou, dans des circonstances exceptionnelles, nous vous enverrons une réponse d'attente dans les 15 jours ouvrables en précisant la date limite à laquelle vous recevrez notre réponse finale, au plus tard trente-cinq (35) jours ouvrables à compter de la date de votre plainte initiale. Si la NALA a commis une faute, vous aurez droit à un remboursement ou à la réexpédition gratuite du paiement.

ISi aucune erreur ne s'est produite ou si NALA n'est pas en faute, vous recevrez un avis écrit comprenant les informations sur lesquelles NALA s'est basées pour prendre cette décision. Si NALA a débité votre compte pour un transfert que vous n'avez pas autorisé, nous rembourserons le montant du transfert rapidement et au plus tard à la fin du jour ouvrable suivant le jour où nous avons été notifiés ou avons pris connaissance du transfert non autorisé. Toutefois, s'il existe des indices raisonnables d'une activité frauduleuse de votre part, notre obligation de remboursement sera suspendue, dans l'attente d'une enquête plus approfondie, et cette enquête sera entreprise rapidement.

NALA ne sera pas responsable envers vous de toute perte résultant de l'incapacité de NALA à annuler ou à rembourser un transfert. Si NALA vous rembourse un transfert, le remboursement peut être effectué par un crédit sur votre compte.

Responsabilité et indemnisation
En contrepartie de notre accord pour vous fournir l'application et le service, vous acceptez d'indemniser et de tenir NALA à l'écart de toutes les réclamations, procès, jugements, exécutions, responsabilités, pertes, dommages, coûts et dépenses - y compris les honoraires raisonnables d'avocat - en relation avec ou découlant de (i) votre utilisation de l'application ou du service, (ii) votre violation du présent accord, ou (iii) NALA agissant à la suite de votre demande de transfert. Vous ne serez toutefois responsable qu'à hauteur d'un montant maximum de 35 GBP pour les pertes résultant de paiements non autorisés résultant du détournement ou de l'utilisation de votre téléphone portable perdu ou volé (ou autre appareil électronique par lequel vous accédez au Service et l'utilisez) et/ou de votre mot de passe. Votre responsabilité ne sera pas limitée si vous avez agi avec une intention frauduleuse ou si vous avez contribué à l'utilisation abusive de votre téléphone portable et/ou de votre mot de passe intentionnellement ou par négligence grave. La négligence grave inclut notamment les cas où vous ne nous informez pas promptement d'un abus, d'une perte ou d'un vol de votre téléphone portable et/ou de votre mot de passe, ou si vous ne les gardez pas en sécurité ou ne les divulguez pas à des tiers. NALA ne sera responsable d'aucun manquement à ses obligations envers vous, ni d'aucun manquement ou retard dans l'exécution de ses obligations découlant ou imputable à des actes, événements, omissions ou accidents échappant à son contrôle raisonnable, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, lorsque son manquement à ses obligations découle d'un cas de force majeure, d'un incendie, d'une inondation, d'un tremblement de terre, d'une tempête de vent ou d'une autre catastrophe naturelle, d'une explosion ou d'un dommage accidentel, d'une guerre, d'une menace de guerre ou de préparation à la guerre, d'un conflit armé, de l'imposition de sanctions, d'un embargo, de contrôles à l'exportation, d'une rupture des relations diplomatiques ou d'actions similaires, d'une attaque terroriste, d'une guerre civile, de troubles civils ou d'émeutes, d'une pandémie ou d'une épidémie, de conflits sociaux, de pénuries de matières premières ou de composants, de perturbations générales des transports, des systèmes de télécommunication, de l'approvisionnement en électricité ou d'autres services publics, des actes, décrets, législation, réglementation ou restrictions imposées par un gouvernement ou un État, les actions ou omissions de tiers, les dysfonctionnements des installations de communication qui ne peuvent raisonnablement être considérés comme étant sous notre contrôle et qui peuvent affecter l'exactitude ou l'opportunité des messages que vous nous envoyez, toute perte ou tout retard dans la transmission de messages résultant de l'utilisation de tout fournisseur de services d'accès à l'internet ou causé par tout navigateur ou autre logiciel qui n'est pas sous notre contrôle, ou tout code malveillant interférant avec le service.

À quel moment ces conditions s'appliquent et comment elles changent
Les conditions sont effectives à partir du moment où vous acceptez ces conditions. Les conditions sont appliquées pour une durée indéterminée et continueront à s'appliquer jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient résiliées par vous ou par nous conformément aux présentes conditions. Nous pouvons modifier les conditions générales de temps à autre et nous vous en informerons au moins deux mois à l'avance, en vous fournissant un lien vers une copie des conditions générales révisées, et nous vous informerons de la date d'entrée en vigueur proposée. Vous comprenez que vous serez réputé avoir accepté les modifications apportées aux conditions générales, à moins que vous ne mettiez fin à votre utilisation du service et des conditions générales avant leur entrée en vigueur. Si vous refusez les modifications, vous avez le droit de résilier sans frais et avec effet à tout moment jusqu'à la date à laquelle les modifications se seraient appliquées.

La résiliation des présentes Conditions générales et le remboursement de votre monnaie électronique
NALA peut résilier les présentes Conditions générales à tout moment, moyennant un préavis d'au moins deux mois. Vous pouvez fermer votre compte et résilier les Conditions générales à tout moment et pour n'importe quelle raison en sélectionnant cette option dans votre compte. Toute résiliation des conditions générales ou cessation des services ne vous libère pas de l'obligation de payer les frais ou coûts accumulés avant la résiliation. Vous avez le droit d'échanger votre monnaie électronique contre votre portefeuille numérique après la résiliation des Conditions générales, et de transférer le produit soit à vous-même, soit à un autre destinataire. Si vous le faites dans l'année qui suit la résiliation des Conditions générales, ce rachat sera gratuit via les mécanismes de transfert standard de NALA ; si vous le faites plus d'un an après la résiliation des Conditions générales, nous pourrons appliquer des frais qui seront déduits du produit du rachat. Six (6) ans après la résiliation des Conditions générales, toute monnaie électronique restante deviendra la propriété de NALA et vous ne pourrez plus la racheter.

Renonciations diverses
Aucun manquement ou retard d'une partie dans l'exercice d'un droit ou d'un recours prévu par les présentes conditions générales ou par la loi ne constituera une renonciation à ce droit ou à tout autre droit ou recours, ni n'empêchera ou ne limitera l'exercice ultérieur de ce droit ou de ce recours ou de tout autre droit ou recours. Aucun exercice unique ou partiel d'un tel droit ou recours n'empêchera ou ne limitera l'exercice ultérieur de ce droit ou recours ou de tout autre droit ou recours.

Sauf disposition expresse dans les présentes conditions générales, les droits et les recours prévus par les présentes conditions générales s'ajoutent aux droits ou recours prévus par la loi et ne les excluent pas.

Entièreté de l'Accord
Chaque partie reconnaît que (i) les présentes conditions générales contiennent l'intégralité de l'accord entre les parties concernant l'objet des présentes et remplacent tous les accords, arrangements et ententes antérieurs entre les parties concernant cet objet ; (ii) en concluant les présentes conditions générales, elle ne s'appuie sur aucun élément de l'accord ou de l'entente qui aurait pu être conclu entre les parties ; Conditions, il ne s'appuie sur aucune déclaration, assurance ou garantie (qu'elle ait été faite par négligence ou innocemment) de toute personne (qu'elle soit ou non partie à ces Conditions) ("Représentation") autre que celles expressément énoncées dans le présent accord ; et (iii) les seuls droits et recours dont il dispose découlant d'une Représentation ou en rapport avec celle-ci sont ceux de la rupture de contrat.

Si une disposition ou une partie de disposition du présent accord est ou devient invalide, illégale ou inapplicable, elle sera considérée comme supprimée, mais cela n'affectera pas la validité et l'applicabilité du reste des présentes conditions.

Droits des tiers
Une personne qui n'est pas partie aux présentes conditions générales ne dispose d'aucun droit en vertu du Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 pour faire appliquer une disposition des présentes conditions générales, mais cela n'affecte pas les droits ou les recours d'un tiers qui existent ou sont disponibles en dehors de cette loi.

Aucun partenariat ou agence
Aucune disposition du présent accord ne vise à établir un partenariat ou une coentreprise, ni ne doit être considérée comme telle. Chaque partie confirme qu'elle agit en son nom propre et non au profit d'une autre personne. En particulier, vous acceptez de ne pas utiliser l'appli ou les services NALA au nom de, ou en tant qu'agent de, toute autre personne.

Loi applicable, juridiction et plaintes
Les contrats pour l'achat de nos services en utilisant le site Web ou l'application et tout litige ou réclamation découlant de ou en relation avec eux ou leur objet ou leur formation (y compris les litiges ou réclamations non contractuels) seront régis par le droit anglais. Tout litige ou réclamation découlant de ces contrats ou de leur formation (y compris les litiges ou réclamations non contractuels) sera soumis à la compétence non exclusive des tribunaux d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles. Le Financial Ombudsman Service est un organisme indépendant qui aide à régler les plaintes entre les clients et les entreprises réglementées par la FCA.

Si nous ne parvenons pas à résoudre votre plainte de manière satisfaisante, vous pouvez vous adresser au Financial Ombudsman Service par courrier, en adressant votre plainte au Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Londres E14 9SR, Royaume-Uni, par courriel à ou par téléphone au 0300 123 9 123 ou au 0800 023 4567. Le site web du Financial Ombudsman Service est le suivant :

De plus amples informations concernant le Financial Ombudsman Service et la question de savoir si vous pouvez bénéficier de ce service sont disponibles sur le site web du Financial Ombudsman Service ou peuvent être demandées en contactant le service d'assistance de Square. En outre, veuillez noter que les litiges peuvent être soumis pour résolution en ligne à la plateforme de résolution des litiges en ligne de la Commission européenne.

The Modulr Account Terms and Conditions; Important information you need to know

The Modulr Account Terms and Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before you agree to use an Account or any related services provided by or through us.

These Terms and Conditions, together with the Introduced Client Terms of Business and the Introduced Client Application Form constitute the entire agreement between Modulr and you.

By signing the Modulr Account Terms and Conditions you accept the terms of the Agreement, or by agreeing to open an Account and/or using our services, you accept these Terms and Conditions. If there is anything you do not understand, please contact Customer Services using the contact details in the Introduced Client Application Form.


3DS - means the EMV 3DS service offered by us for you or a Cardholder to use when you or a Cardholder make a purchase or place an order on the internet with your Card.

Account - The electronic money account, also known as Modulr Account provided by us in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Account Information Service Provider – means a third party payment service provider who is authorised by or registered with the Financial Conduct Authority or another European regulator to provide online account information services, who, with your permission will be able to access certain online account information on one or more payment accounts held by you to give you a consolidated view of your payment accounts.

Account Limit – any limit that applies in relation to your Account and/or Card, such as account maximum balance, and limits on receiving and sending payments from your Account as referred in paragraph 2.

Account Manager - The individuals elected by the Account Owner to be responsible for the management of the Account, also known as an “Authorised User”.

Account Owner – The entity legally responsible for an Account.

Agreement - The agreement for your Account made up of these Terms and Conditions, together with the Introduced Client Terms of Business and the Introduced Client Application Form, which constitute the entire agreement between you and Modulr.

Application Programming Interface (API) – means the interfaces provided by Modulr to the Introduced Client (and the Partner Platform on the Introduced Client’s behalf) to directly instruct Accounts via the Introduced Client’s or the Partner Platform’s own application.

AML Policy - Modulr’s written policy on anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing as may be amended from time to time by Modulr.

Applicant – A customer of the Partner Platform who applies for Modulr Products but is yet to be accepted by the Modulr as an Introduced Client.

Available Balance - The value of funds available on your Account.

Bacs Credit – Means Bacs Direct Credit. A service enabling organisations to make payments to an account which takes 3 Business Days for the funds to be cleared.

Business Days - Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am-5pm but does not include bank holidays, or public holidays in the United Kingdom.

Card – means a Virtual Card or a Physical Card.

Cardholder - means the individual authorised to use the Physical or Virtual Card issued to you.

Card Scheme -Mastercard and/or Visa or such other payment network through which Card Transactions are processed as may be made available to you from time to time.

Card Transaction –means a Virtual Card Transaction or a Physical Card Transaction.

CHAPS – the Clearing House Automated Payment System, a service enabling organisations to make same-day payments to an account within the UK, within the CHAPS operating days and times.

Chargeback has the meaning given to it in Schedule 1 of the Introduced Client Terms of Business.

Commencement Date – the date set out in the Introduced Client Application Form.

Confidential Information - any information (whether or not recorded in documentary form, or stored on any magnetic or optical disk or memory) relating to: the business, products, affairs, strategy, contracts, customer relationships, commercial pipelines, business contacts, prospective customers, existing customers, business models, customer pricing, management systems, business methods, corporate plans, maturing new business opportunities, research and development projects, marketing and sales information, sales targets and statistics, discount structures, suppliers and potential suppliers, source codes, computer programs inventions, know-how, technical specifications and other technical information relating to products and services.

Customer Services - The contact centre for dealing with queries about your Account. Contact details for Customer Services can be found in the Introduced Client Application Form.

Data Protection Laws – the following, to the extent they are applicable to a party: the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Electronic Communications Data Protection Directive 2002/58/EC, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and all applicable laws and regulations relating to processing of personal data and privacy (as amended or replaced from time to time), including where applicable the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner (in the United Kingdom) or other applicable supervisory authority;

Direct Debit – a payment collected via UK Direct Debit scheme operated by Bacs from or to your Account.

Direct Debit Collection – a payment collected to your Account via UK Direct Debit scheme on the basis of an instruction given by you to the payer’s payment service provider.

Direct Debit Guarantee – means the refund terms applicable to Direct Debit Mandates as set out on the direct debit form or direct debit confirmation provided to you by the payment recipient.

Direct Debit Mandate – a payment collected from your Account via UK Direct Debit scheme on the basis of a mandate permitting someone else (recipient) to instruct us to transfer money from your Account to that recipient.

Due Diligence Procedure - Modulr’s procedures for carrying out due diligence on Introduced Clients in order to comply with its policies and regulatory obligations.

Faster Payment – A service allowing you to make and receive electronic payments in the UK which is received by the recipient bank within 2 hours provided that the receiving organisation or bank is part of Faster Payments Scheme.

Fees – those fees payable by the Introduced Client and set out in the Introduced Client Application Form.

Information – Means any information related to the organisation, and any personal information related to Account Manager or the Cardholder.

Intellectual Property Rights – means without limitation, all patents (including models and inventions), trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, business names, copyrights, design rights, database rights, rights to or in computer software, know-how, trade secrets, rights to or in confidential information and all other intellectual property rights and rights or forms of protection of a similar nature or effect which may subsist anywhere in the world whether or not registered or capable of registration, together with all applications for registration of, and any licence to use, any of the foregoing and "Intellectual Property" shall be construed accordingly;

Introduced Client Application Form – The application form identifying the parties, Modulr Products to be provided and commercial terms that forms part of the Agreement between an Introduced Client and Modulr.

Introduced Client – Any client of Modulr which has been introduced by the Partner Platform and whose account is operated by the Partner Platform based on instructions the Partner Platform receives from the Introduced Client (where relevant).

Introduced Client Terms of Business - The terms on which Modulr provides Modulr Products to the Introduced Client.

Merchant- means a merchant authorised to accept Card Scheme-branded Cards.

Modulr – Modulr Finance Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with number 09897957 and whose registered office is at Scale Space, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ. Modulr Finance Ltd (FRN: 900699) is a registered agent of Modulr FS Ltd.

Modulr Account Terms and Conditions - This agreement, between Modulr FS and the Introduced Client which governs the terms on which the Introduced Client may use its Account.

Modulr Products – those products, including but not limited to the Account referred to in the Introduced Client Application Form.

One-Time Passcode – means the six-digit passcode sent to your mobile phone number by us, via SMS.

Online Portal – means the interface provided by Modulr for the Introduced Client to access via the public internet, subject to applicability based on the Introduced Client’s relationship with the Partner Platform.

Payment Initiation Service Provider – means a third party payment service provider authorised by or registered with by the Financial Conduct Authority or another European regulator to provide an online service to initiate a Transaction at your request on your Account.

Partner Platform – A third party that is permitted by Modulr and Modulr FS to introduce and act on behalf of Introduced Clients, and permitted by you to act as an Authorised User.

Partner Platform Agreement - an agreement between the Account Owner and the Partner Platform for the provision of various services, under the terms of which the Introduced Client wishes to open an Account with Modulr to be used for the purpose and in accordance with the terms set out in the Partner Platform Agreement.

Physical Card - means a physical card-based payment instrument issued by us to you which uses the Card Scheme payments network, as well as any version or record of such an issued payment instrument stored on an app or other platform, and which may be used to make Physical Card Transactions.

Physical Card Transaction - means the use of a Physical Card to make a payment to a Merchant.

Regulator – the Financial Conduct Authority, located at 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN or any authority, body or person having, or who has had, responsibility for the supervision or regulation of any regulated activities or other financial services in the United Kingdom.

SEPA – the Single Euro Payments Area is the area where citizens, companies and other economic actors can make and receive payments in euro, within Europe, whether within or across national boundaries under the same basic conditions, rights and obligations, regardless of their location. SEPA is driven by the European Commission and the European Central Bank, amongst others, as a key component of the EU Internal Market. SEPA shall be deemed to encompass the countries and territories which are part of the geographical scope of the SEPA Schemes, as listed in the EPC List of SEPA Scheme Countries, as amended from time to time.

SEPA Credit Transfer - a service allowing you to make and receive non urgent EUR electronic payments within SEPA provided that the receiving organisation or bank is part of the scheme.

SEPA Instant Credit Transfer - a service allowing you to make and receive near real time EUR electronic payments within SEPA provided that the receiving organisation or bank is part of the scheme.

SEPA Transfers – means, together, SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Instant Credit Transfer.

SWIFT – the global member-owned financial telecommunications system used to facilitate the secure transfer of messages, including payment instructions, between financial institutions.

SWIFT Inbound Payment – an inbound payment (in such currencies as may be supported by Modulr from time to time) made via SWIFT.

SWIFT Onboarding Process – means the onboarding process the Partner Platform is required to complete in order to make use of SWIFT Payments.

SWIFT Outbound Payment – an outbound payment (in such currencies as may be supported by Modulr from time to time) made via SWIFT.

SWIFT Payments – means, together, SWIFT Inbound Payments and SWIFT Outbound Payments (and SWIFT Payment shall be construed accordingly).

Transaction – any debit, credit or other adjustment to an Account that affects the balance of monies held in it, including a Virtual Card Transaction.

TPP (Third Party Provider) – means an Account Information Service Provider or a Payment Initiation Service Provider.

we, us, our or Modulr FS - Modulr FS Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with number 09897919 and whose registered office is at Scale Space, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ and who is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for issuance of electronic money under FRN 900573, or Modulr acting on Modulr FS Ltd’s behalf.

Virtual Card – means a virtual card-based payment instrument consisting of (amongst other things) a unique 16 digit account number issued to you which uses the Card Scheme payments network, as well as any version or record of such an issued payment instrument stored on an app or other platform, and which may be used to make Virtual Card Transactions.

Virtual Card Transaction – means the use of a Virtual Card to make a payment to a Merchant.

Website – means the customer portal that Introduced Clients can login to in order to use the Modulr Products.

you, your - The Account Owner, also referred to as an Introduced Client.

Limits may apply to the balance on your Account at any time, the maximum value of an individual payment Transaction, maximum Virtual Transaction value per Card, the maximum aggregate value of all payment Transactions made from your Account or Cards in a particular time period e.g. during any one Business Day and the maximum number of payment Transactions made from your Account over a particular timeframe. Your Cards may also have certain Card Transaction types disabled, such as cash withdrawals at an ATM.

2.2 The limits and restrictions that apply to your Account and Card will be communicated to you during the Account set-up process and/or before the Card is issued to you (as applicable). These limits may also change over time based on your Account and/or Card usage; any such change will be communicated to you. You can check the limits at any time by contacting Customer Services. You should not make a payment Transaction request which exceeds such.

2.3 From time to time a Card Transaction may be authorised which exceeds the limit or restriction applicable to your Account or Card, for example when it is used in an offline environment for example but not limited to payments for or on transport (purchases on a train, aeroplane, underground or toll payments). In such circumstance, a negative balance on your Account may occur. In this case the process in paragraphs 5.15 to 5.17 inclusive will apply.

2.4 Certain Merchants may require verification that the funds held on your Account will cover the Card Transaction amount and will place a “pre-authorisation” on your Card. This amount will be unavailable to you until the Card Transaction is completed or released by the Merchant. The pre-authorisation allows the Merchant up to 30 days to claim and settle any funds owed to them from the Card. Examples include but are not limited to hotels and rental cars. If there are insufficient funds available on your Account, Modulr must still make this settlement, which may result in a negative balance on your Account. In this case the process in paragraphs 5.15 to 5.17 inclusive will apply.

2.5 To manage our risk, particularly with respect to money laundering, fraud or security concerns, we also apply internal controls, including limits, to certain types of payment. We change these as necessary but for security purposes, we do not disclose them.


3.1 Your Account is an electronic money account and the electronic money and any Card associated with it is issued to you by us. We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the issuance of electronic money (FRN 900573). Your rights and obligations relating to the use of this Account are subject to these Terms and Conditions between you and us.

3.2 The types of Transactions enabled for your Account are set out in the Introduced Client Application Form or as subsequently enabled by us. The terms of these Modulr Account Terms and Conditions applicable to specific Transactions or payment types (for example, Cards) apply only to the extent that such Transactions or payment types are enabled for your Account.

3.3 This Agreement is written and available only in English and we undertake to communicate with you in English regarding any aspect of your Account.

3.4 You agree that we or the Partner Platform may communicate with you by e-mail or telephone for issuing any notices or information about your Account and therefore it is important that you ensure you keep your e-mail address and mobile phone number updated.

3.5 You can request a copy of these Terms and Conditions at any time by contacting Customer Services.


4.1 Your Account will be opened on your behalf by the Partner Platform.  You may only hold an Account so long as you remain an approved client of the Partner Platform that provided you with your account details.


5.1 Your Account can receive bank transfers and other payment types as added and notified to you by Modulr from time to time. Subject to paragraph 5.3, we will credit your Account when we receive the funds which could be up to three Business Days after the payment being instructed, depending on how the payment was sent.

5.2 Your Account can also receive internal transfers from other Accounts owned or controlled by the Partner Platform, which apply instantly.

5.3 An incoming payment will not be credited to your Account if:

5.3.1 the Account has reached the Account Limits; or
5.3.2 the Account is inactive or blocked or terminated; or
5.3.3 the sender has provided incorrect/invalid Account Details for your Account; or
5.3.4 we suspect the payment to be fraudulent.

5.4 If we are unable to credit your Account for any of the reasons in paragraph 5.3 then the funds may be sent back to the sender without a prior notification to you.

5.5 Your Account can make payments out to external bank accounts via Faster Payments, SEPA and other methods as added and notified to you by the Partner Platform from time to time.

5.6 Your Account will be configured and operated by the Partner Platform. You agree that Modulr and we may take instructions from the Partner Platform regarding the operation of your Account, including the creation of beneficiaries and instruction of payments, on your behalf. We and Modulr have no liability for actions taken by the Partner Platform. If you disagree with any actions taken by the Partner Platform these should be discussed with the Partner Platform. We are also authorised to take instructions from any other Account Manager (where different from Partner Platform) and, with respect to Physical Card Transactions, from the Cardholder. You are responsible for all actions of the Account Manager and any Cardholder in relation to the Account and/or Card(s).

5.7 Where Cards are made available to you, , your Account can be used to fund Card Transactions. You or your Account Manager or Partner Platform can request a Virtual Card or a Physical Card to be issued to you via the Online Portal or Modulr API.

5.8‎ Where a Virtual Card or Physical Card is issued to you, you may be able to register and/or store the details of the Card within third party apps and/or devices and to use those third party apps/devices to initiate payments with your Card. When you first register your Card within a third party app/device we support, you may be required to verify that it is you requesting the registration of the Card. If you do not do this, you may not be able to register and use your Card through the third party app/device.

5.9 The value of any Card Transaction, together with any applicable fees and charges, will be deducted from your Account once we receive the authorisation request from the Merchant.

5.10 If the Card Transaction is made in a currency other than the currency the Card is denominated in, the Card Transaction will be converted to the currency of the Card by the relevant Card Scheme at a rate set by it on the day we receive details of the Card Transaction. The exchange rate varies throughout the day and is not set by us. You can check the relevant Card Scheme rate as follows.
Mastercard Card Scheme rate at:;
VISA Card Scheme rate at:

5.11 If you use the Card to make a purchase online you may be asked by the Merchant to use 3DS. Physical Cards are automatically enrolled for use with 3DS. When you use 3DS, you agree that the following shall apply in relation to your use of the Card:

5.11.1 You must provide us with your mobile phone number before you can use 3DS. You must ensure that your mobile phone can receive SMS at the time of your purchase.
5.11.2 When you use 3DS to purchase from a participating Merchant, you will be presented with an electronic receipt and the One-Time Passcode will be sent to your mobile phone.
5.11.3 Without your One-Time Passcode, you will not be able to make purchases from participating Merchants.
5.11.4 If you update your mobile phone number then you must notify us immediately of your new details, to ensure our records are correct.
5.11.5 The One-Time Passcode is valid for the purchase you received it for. You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your One-Time Passcode and must not share it with anyone else.
5.11.6 You will be responsible for any fees or charges imposed by your mobile phone service provider in connection with your use of 3DS.

5.12 A Transaction is deemed to be authorised by you:
5.12.1 when you or your Account Manager or Partner Platform enters the security information on the Modulr Online Portal to confirm a Transaction is authorised, or when it is instructed via the Modulr API with the relevant security credentials;
5.12.2 when you or your Account Manager or Partner Platform submits a request for a creation of a Virtual Card via the Online Portal or Modulr API, you shall be deemed to have authorised any subsequent Virtual Card Transaction made using such Virtual Card up to the authorisation value specified when creating the request for creation of the Virtual Card;
5.12.3 when you or the Cardholder (i) enter a PIN or provide any other security credentials; (ii) sign a sales voucher; (iii) provide the Physical Card details and/or provide any other details as requested; (iv) wave/swipe the Physical Card over a card reader; or (v) insert the Physical Card into a card device or an ATM;
5.12.4 when you give instructions through a third party (such as the recipient of a Direct Debit Mandate or a Payment Initiation Service Provider).
Once the Transaction is confirmed, we cannot revoke the Transaction save for in those circumstances set out in paragraph 5.13 below.

5.13 You can cancel any Transaction which is agreed to take place on a date later than the date you authorised it, provided that you give us notice to cancel no later than close of business on the Business Day before the Transaction was due to take place;

5.14 Cancelling a Direct Debit Mandate with us will not cancel the agreement with the organisation you are paying. It is your responsibility to tell the organisation collecting the payment about the changes to your instructions.

5.15 If for any reason whatsoever, a negative balance arises because a Transaction is completed when there are not enough funds on your Account for that Transaction, you shall reimburse the negative balance amount immediately, unless circumstances described in sections 5.16 and 5.17 apply. You agree that once we make this negative balance known to you, we will charge you the amount of negative balance and you must repay it immediately. We may charge the amount of the negative balance against any funds on your Account, including any subsequently loaded funds. Until we are reimbursed this negative balance amount, we may arrange for your Account, including Card(s) to be suspended. We may also report the negative balance to credit reference agencies.

5.16 Where a negative balance arises because of an error on the part of a Merchant where the Card Transaction occurred, we will seek to recover the negative balance amount from the Merchant.

5.17 Where a negative balance arises because of an error on the part of the recipient of the payment or us, we will seek to recover the negative balance amount from the person who made the error.

5.18 The Available Balance on your Account will not earn any interest.

5.19 You can check the balance and Transaction history of your Account at any time via the interface provided to you by the Partner Platform or by contacting Customer Services, or the Online Portal if you have relevant access details.

5.20 You will be provided with a monthly statement free of charge setting out information relating to individual payment Transactions by the Partner Platform or us (using the details we have associated with your Account).


6.1 You can instruct a TPP to access information on your Account or initiate certain Transactions from your Account provided such TPP has identified itself to us and it has acted in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements. We will treat any instruction from an TPP as if it was from you or an Account Manager.

6.2 We may deny a TPP access to your Account if we are concerned about unauthorised or fraudulent access by that TPP. setting out the reason for such denial. Before doing so, we will tell you that we intend to deny access and give our reasons for doing so, unless it is not reasonably practicable, in which case we will immediately inform you afterwards. In either case, we will tell you in the manner in which we consider most appropriate in the circumstances. We will not tell you if doing so would compromise our security measures or would otherwise be unlawful.

6.3 If you have provided consent to a TPP to access the data in your Account to enable them to provide account information services to you or initiate Transactions on your behalf, you consent to us sharing your information with the TPP as is reasonably required for them to provide their services to you. You must let us know if you withdraw this permission and we recommend you let the TPP know. On notification from you, we will not provide such TPP access to your Account or the data in it.


7.1 You may close your Account by contacting Customer Services. Please refer to your contract with the Partner Platform for any terms relating to your need to maintain your Account.

7.2 The Account will be closed if the Partner Platform instructs us to close your Account (in which case the Partner Platform will inform you of this instruction).

7.3 On termination of the Agreement for any reason, these Terms and Conditions will automatically terminate, and your Account will be closed and any Cards issued to you will be cancelled.

7.4 Any Available Balance remaining on the Account after Account closure will be transferred to your nominated bank account via Faster Payments or SEPA Transfer (as relevant) based on instructions to us from the Partner Platform. If for any reason this is not possible, such Available Balance will remain yours for a period of six years from the date of Account closure. Within this period, you may at any time request a refund by contacting Customer Services. You will not have any access to your Account and we will not return any funds remaining on the Account after six years from the date of Account closure and this Agreement will terminate.


8.1 You are responsible for understanding and complying with the Agreement including these Terms and Conditions.

8.2 We may at any time suspend, restrict or refuse to authorise any use of your Account and/or Cards (including cancelling Card(s)) or refuse to process your instructions or authorise any particular Transaction where: ‎
8.2.1‎ we are concerned about the security of or access to your Account and/or your Card;‎‎
8.2.2 we know or suspect that that your Account and/or Card is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner;‎‎
8.2.3 we need to do so in order to comply with the law or otherwise for regulatory or crime prevention purposes;‎‎
8.2.4 the Transaction would breach the limits applicable to your Account and/or Card;
8.2.5 you, the Account Manager or the Cardholder breach an important part of these Terms and Conditions, or repeatedly breach any term in this Agreement and ‎fail to resolve the matter in a timely manner.‎

8.3 If we cancel, suspend or restrict your Account and/or Card(s), or otherwise refuse to execute a payment order to or to initiate a Transaction, we will, without undue delay and provided we are legally permitted to do so, notify you or the Partner Platform of the refusal, suspension or cancellation (as applicable). If possible, we will provide the reasons for the refusal to execute the Transaction and/or suspending the use of your Account and/or Card and where those reasons relate to factual matters, the procedure of rectifying any factual errors that led to the refusal.

8.4 You or the Account Manager or the Cardholder must not:
8.4.1 allow another person to use security information related to the Account, Cards and/or app/device you use to make Transactions,
8.4.2 write down password(s) or any security information unless this is done in a way that would make it impossible for anyone else to recognise any of that information, or
8.4.3 disclose passwords or any security information, or otherwise make them available to any other person, whether verbally or by entering them in a way that allows them to be observed by others

8.5 You must take all reasonable steps to keep your Account and password(s) and any other security-related details safe, including the security-related details relating to any app and/or devices you have registered or stored your Card on, at all times. If you visit a website or receive a message that asks for your password, other than the Modulr website, this should be reported to us. If you are in doubt whether a website is genuine, you should contact Customer Services. If you have any indication that your Account, password or other security information has been compromised, you must immediately change your password and notify us as soon as possible.

8.6 You will be liable for all Transactions that take place as a result of you, the Account Manager or the Cardholder acting fraudulently or failing to comply with these Terms and Conditions with intent or gross negligence. Any such Transactions and any fees and charges relating to such Transactions will be deducted from the Available Balance on your Account.

8.7 You will be liable for all Transactions that the Partner Platform, any other Account Manager makes on your behalf or the Cardholder makes as per this Agreement, along with those made by a TPP authorised by you to initiate a Transaction.

8.8 You will be liable for all unauthorised Transactions that arise from the use of lost or stolen Physical Cards, the Account or Card security information such as but not limited to the Online Portal log in details and API security details, Card number and CVV if you, the Account Manager, or the Cardholder fail to keep the security features of the Account, Cards and/or app/device where your Card is registered/stored safe.

8.9 It is your responsibility to keep us updated of changes to your Information, including e-mail address and mobile numbers. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to contact you regarding your Account or to let you know about changes to these Terms and Conditions.

8.10 If you request to recall a Transaction due to an error or mistake caused other than by Modulr, we reserve the right to charge you (i) a handling fee of £25 per recall and (ii) any fee payable by Modulr to a third-party bank or institution for handling the recall.

8.10 You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, us, Modulr and our distributors, partners, agents, sponsors, and service providers and their group companies from and against the costs of any legal action taken to enforce this Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions and/or any breach of these Terms and Conditions by you.


9.1 If you (or an Account Manager or Cardholder) have a reason to believe that (i) a Transaction on your Account was unauthorised or was made incorrectly, (ii) a Physical Card is lost or stolen; or (iii) someone else (other than TPP) knows the security credentials or otherwise has unauthorised access to your Account and/or Card, you must inform us immediately by contacting Customer Services. After you notify us, we will replace a lost, stolen or misappropriated Physical Card and/or security credentials, as appropriate.

9.2 We will investigate your claim for a refund of unauthorised or incorrectly executed Transactions, provided at all times that you have notified us without undue delay of becoming aware of such incorrectly executed or unauthorised Transaction and in any case within the timeframes required by the Card Scheme rules if the incorrect Transaction relates to a Card Transaction and for all other Transactions within 13 months of the date of the relevant Transaction. We will not be liable for any unauthorised or incorrectly executed Transactions notified to us after this period.

9.3 If you dispute a Transaction:
9.3.1 subject to 9.3.2 and 9.3.3 we will immediately refund the amount to your Account to the position it would have been in if the unauthorised Transaction had not taken place. We will have no further liability to you. If we subsequently discover that you were not entitled to a refund, we shall treat the refund as a mistake and be entitled to reapply the Transaction.
9.3.2 if there are reasonable grounds for thinking that you may not be entitled to a refund (based on the evidence available to us at the time you report the unauthorised Transaction), we may investigate before giving you a refund and we will provide you with our supporting evidence if we believe you are not entitled to the refund;
9.3.3 if the Transaction was initiated through a TPP, it is for the TPP to prove that, the Transaction was authenticated, accurately recorded and not affected by a technical breakdown or other deficiency linked to the TPP’s payment initiation service; and‎
9.3.4‎ if we make an error on a Transaction made to someone else through the Direct Debit ‎scheme, we will refund you in ‎accordance with the Direct Debit Guarantee‎.

9.4. If an incorrect Transaction is paid into your Account that should not have, we will, where possible, immediately send the funds back to the bank acting for the person from whose account the Transaction was made. In such circumstance you agree to return the funds to us and provide such assistance that we require in recovering the amount from you. If we cannot recover the funds, we are required to provide sufficient details about you and the incorrect payment to the bank or institution that sent the payment to enable them to recover the funds.

9.5 You will be liable for all Transactions made from your Account if you (or the Account Manager or the Cardholder) have acted fraudulently or have failed with gross negligence:
9.5.1‎ to keep the security credentials used to access or use your Account and/or Card safe and secure or otherwise failed to ‎comply with these ‎Terms and Conditions in relation to the safety of your Account and/or Card; or‎‎
‎ failed to notify us in accordance with 9.1 above‎.
9.6 You may be entitled to a refund where a Transaction from your account which was initiated by payee provided that:
9.6.1 the authorisation did not specify the exact amount;
9.6.2 the amount of Transaction exceeded the amount you could reasonably have expected (taking into your previous spending pattern and other relevant circumstances). We may ask you to provide such information as is reasonably necessary for us to determine if this is correct; and
9.6.3 you asked for a refund within 8 weeks of the date the Transaction was debited to your Account. In such circumstances we will refund you within 10 Business Days of receiving your claim for a refund or, where applicable, within 10 Business Days of receiving any further information we requested - or we will provide you with reasons for refusing the refund.

9.7 If you want a refund for a Transaction made using the Direct Debit scheme, the Direct Debit Guarantee will apply instead of the terms in 9.6 above.

9.8 APP fraud
For the purposes of this clause 9.8: (i) “Authorised Push Payment” or “APP” shall mean a payment initiated by you (as a Consumer) via Modulr; (ii) “Consumer” shall mean an individual, a microenterprise (an enterprise that employs fewer than ten

(10) persons and has either an annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total that does not exceed €2 million at the group level, in accordance with European Commission Recommendation (2003/361/EC)) or a charity (a body whose annual income is less than £1 million per year and is a charity as defined by the Charities Act 2011, Charities and Trustees Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 or the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008); and (iii) “Rules” shall mean the APP fraud reimbursement rules, as set by the Payment Systems Regulator.

9.8.2 If you (as a Consumer) believe that you have fallen victim to APP fraud (via Faster Payments, CHAPS or any other UK payment scheme as required by the Payment Systems Regulator), the details of the APP fraud (and any associated payment(s)) must be received by us as quickly as possible.

9.8.3 Following the receipt of an APP fraud claim under 9.8.2., if you (as a Consumer) are eligible for reimbursement (such eligibility is as defined in the Rules), we shall assess the APP fraud claim. Subject to clause 9.8.4, we shall notify you of the outcome of such assessment and pay the applicable amount (less any deductions, as permitted under the Rules) to you within five (5) business days of you making the APP fraud claim.

9.8.4 We may pause the five (5) day timescale for reimbursement when we require further information to assess your APP fraud claim. We may only pause the five (5) day reimbursement timescale for as long as is necessary to complete our assessment. We must complete the assessment, decide whether the APP fraud claim (or any payment within the APP fraud claim) is reimbursable (and must close the claim) before the end of the thirty-fifth (35th) business day following the reporting of the APP fraud claim.

9.8.5 You may not receive a refund for an APP fraud payment where you have not met the eligibility criteria (as defined by the Rules). This may include, but is not limited to: your failure to respond to any reasonable and proportionate requests for information by or on behalf of Modulr; your failure to consent to Modulr reporting your APP fraud claim to the police or the relevant national competent authority;
where we reasonably believe (taking into account all relevant circumstances (including your personal situation)) you have been grossly negligent in the payment instruction and should have known you were being tricked into sending money to a fraudster; and where an intervention is made by or on behalf of Modulr and/or a national competent authority relating your payment instruction and you do not pay due regard to such intervention.


10.1 We may change these Terms and Conditions by providing you with at least two months’ prior notice by e-mail (provided you have supplied us with an up-to-date e-mail address).

10.2 If you do not agree with the changes to the Terms and Conditions, you may at any time within the two months’ notice period notify us and these Terms and Conditions will be terminated and your Account closed. If you do not notify us to the contrary during this period then you will be deemed to have accepted the change and it will apply to you when it comes into force.

10.3 If any part of these Terms and Conditions are inconsistent with any legal requirements then we will not rely on that part but treat it as if it did actually reflect the relevant legal requirement. If we need to make operational changes before we can fully comply with the new regulatory requirement, we will make those changes as soon as reasonably practical.


11.1 We can terminate your Account at any time if we give you two months’ notice and transfer any Available Balance at the time to your nominated bank account without a charge.

11.2 We can suspend or terminate your Account at any time with immediate effect (and until your default has been remedied or the Agreement terminated) without any prior notice to you if:
11.2.1 we discover any of the Information that we hold for you is false, misleading or materially incorrect; or
11.2.2 if you, the Account Manager, the Cardholder or a third party has engaged in fraudulent activity, money laundering, terrorism, terrorism financing or other illegal activity in connection with your Account or we have reasonable suspicions in respect of the same; or
11.2.3 if you have reached your Account Limit;
11.2.4 you or the Account Manager have breached these Terms and Conditions; or
11.2.5 we are required to do so under any applicable law or regulation or at the direction of any regulatory, law enforcement or other competent authority.
11.2.6b) on two (2) month’s notice if you do not use your Account(s) and/or any Modulr Product or related service for twelve (12) months.

11.3 In the event that we do suspend or terminate your Account then if we are able to do so, we will tell you in advance otherwise we will let you know immediately afterwards (to the extent the we are permitted by law).


12.1 Our liability and the liability of our agents in connection with this these Terms and Conditions (whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise) shall be subject to the following exclusions and limitations:
12.1.1 Neither we, nor our agents shall be liable for any default resulting directly or indirectly from any cause beyond our control, including but not limited to, a lack of funds;
12.1.2 Neither we, nor our agents shall be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, or any indirect, consequential, special or punitive losses;
12.1.3 where sums are incorrectly deducted from your Available Balance due to our default, our liability and that of our agents shall be limited to payment to you of an equivalent amount to that which was incorrectly deducted from your Available Balance;
12.1.4 in all other circumstances of our default, our liability and that of our agents jointly will be limited to transferring any Available Balance to your nominated bank account.

12.2 In circumstances where sums are incorrectly deducted from your Available Balance due to our fault, if we require your support to enable us to recover the incorrect deduction, you agree to provide us and our agents with all assistance that we reasonably require.

12.3 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit our liability or that of our agents for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or fraud.

12.4 To the extent permitted by law, all conditions or warranties implied by law, statute or otherwise are expressly excluded.

12.5 The above exclusions and limitations set out in this paragraph shall apply to any liability of our affiliates and other suppliers, contractors, agents or distributors and any of their respective affiliates (if any), to you, which may arise in connection with these Terms and Conditions.


13.1 Some personal data will be necessary for us to provide you with the Account and services under this Agreement. Modulr FS is a Data Controller and shall only use your personal data for this purpose. Please see the Privacy Policy (please contact Customer Services for details of where to access this) for full details on the personal data that we and Modulr Finance Ltd hold, how we will use it and how we will keep it safe. Modulr will at all times comply with Data Protection Laws.

13.2 We will retain details of individual transactions for six years from the date on which the particular transaction was completed. We will maintain all other records for six years from which we have ceased to provide you with any product or service

13.3 You must update any changes to your Information by contacting Customer Services.

13.4 If we discover that the Information we hold about you is incorrect, we may have to suspend or cancel your Account until we can establish the correct Information, in order to protect us both.

13.5 If you or the Account Manager allow or give consent to an Authorised Third Party Provider to access your Account to provide their services, you should know that we have no control over how an Authorised Third Party Provider will use your information nor will we be liable for any loss of information after an Authorised Third Party Provider have access to your information.  

13.6 The personal information we have collected from you will be shared with fraud prevention agencies who will use it to prevent fraud and money -laundering and to verify your identity. If fraud is detected, you could be refused certain services, finance, or employment. Further details of how your information will be used by us and these fraud prevention agencies, and your data protection rights, can be found at


14.1 Complaints regarding any element of the service provided by us can be sent to Customer Services.

14.2 All complaints will be subject to our complaints procedure. We will provide you with a copy of our complaints procedure upon request and, if we receive a complaint from you, a copy of our complaints procedure will automatically be posted or emailed to you.

14.3 In most cases we will provide a full response by email to your complaint within fifteen Business Days after the date we receive your complaint.  In exceptional circumstances where we are unable to respond in full to your complaint, we will inform you of this giving our reasons for the delay and the timeframe within which you will receive a full reply, which in any event shall be within thirty-five Business Days of the date we received your complaint.  

14.4 If we fail to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, phone 0800 023 4567). Details of the service offered by the Financial Ombudsman Service are available at


15.1 Any delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy under these Terms and Conditions by us shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy or preclude its exercise at any subsequent time.

15.2 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed unenforceable or illegal, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.

15.3 You may not assign or transfer any of your rights and/or benefits under these Terms and Conditions and you shall be the sole party to the contract between us. You will remain liable until the Account issued to you is terminated. We may assign our rights and benefits at any time without prior written notice to you. We may subcontract any of our obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

15.4 Save for Modulr, who acts on our behalf, no third party who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions has a right to enforce any of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions and the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply.

15.5 These Terms and Conditions contain the information set out in Schedule 4 of the Payment Service Regulations 2017 and you can obtain a copy of this Agreement at any time by contacting Customer Services.

15.6 These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

15.7 The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is not applicable for this Account. We safeguard client funds in accordance with the requirements of The Electronic Money Regulations 2011. In the event of insolvency all client money held in accordance with the legal requirements will be held separately to the funds of Modulr FS. An appointed administrator or liquidator as relevant will arrange for your funds to be returned to you in accordance with the special administration regime for Electronic Money Institutions (the Payment and Electronic Money Institution Insolvency Regulations 2021). This may take longer than a claim made under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme which is not applicable to your account and in some circumstances the appointed administrator or liquidator may deduct their costs for returning your funds if there are insufficient funds available elsewhere in the insolvent estate of the company.


16.1 Customer Services are provided by the Partner Platform. The details are available in your Introduced Client Application Form.